Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли насам
Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли наса
Това е цената която се плаща, за да може да се качва не контролирано всякакъв софтуер в Androd Market.
Re: Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли
Аз не виждам голяма доза истина в тази статия.
Като инсталираш приложенията, преди инсталацията на 5 реда си пише какви "разрешения" искат, и до какво ще имат достъп.
Освен това, ако говорим и за телефоните със СЮ права, то задължително всяко едно приложение/процес, който иска СЮ права те пита.
Като инсталираш приложенията, преди инсталацията на 5 реда си пише какви "разрешения" искат, и до какво ще имат достъп.
Освен това, ако говорим и за телефоните със СЮ права, то задължително всяко едно приложение/процес, който иска СЮ права те пита.
Re: Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли
[Quote]СЮ права[/Quote]
Какви права?
Какви права?
Re: Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли
Това са нещата, които програмиста доброволно е решил да сподели с потребителя.
Въпрос на време е при тази система тип "разграден двор" маркета да се напълни с вируси особено с този бум на Андроид в последните години ..
Въпрос на време е при тази система тип "разграден двор" маркета да се напълни с вируси особено с този бум на Андроид в последните години ..
Re: Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли
Ами... аз до сега не съм имал проблеми, а не се пазя кой знае колко. Антивирусна нямам. За съвсем кратко ползвах Самсунг мобайл секюрити, но го махнах, понеже не виждам за какво ми е.
Ето мнението на един човек от сферата :
[Quote]Here's an interesting suggestion – there's no real malware on Android and all those reports we've been seeing in the last months/years are all a scam. That's the position of Google's open-source software guru Chris DiBona, and what he meant is not that there are no threats whatsoever, but that the sandboxing model on mobile platforms prevents viruses from being as dangerous as traditional Windows malware. Moreover, companies making the so called anti-virus solutions for Android have been exploiting you, the user:
"Virus companies are playing on your fears to try to sell you BS protection software for Android, RIM, and, iOS," DiBona posted on Google+. "They are charlatans and scammers. If you work for a company selling virus protection for Android, RIM or iOS, you should be ashamed of yourself."
Now, DiBona saved the names of companies for himself, but we can name a few: Symantec with its Norton Mobile Security, McAfee with the Mobile Security apps, F-Secure and Kaspersky.
"No major cell phone has a 'virus' problem in the traditional sense that Windows and some Mac machines have seen," DiBona added. "There have been some little things, but they haven't gotten very far due to the user sandboxing models and the nature of the underlying kernels."
What exactly is sandboxing and why does it make mobile phones more secure than computers? It's all about the access that's granted and in the case of mobile phones it's limited to only certain areas of the memory, so it's very hard to break that wall.
Android and the Market in particular has been infested with viruses hidden in apps, but Google has usually swiftly removed them. It's precaution that usually works best – downloading adult content or apps from unchecked sources is where most of the threats seem to stem from. So generally, it seems that users shouldn't be worried that much about smartphone viruses, but what's your opinion on the matter? Do you think malware is really an issue in Android?[/Quote]
Ето мнението на един човек от сферата :
[Quote]Here's an interesting suggestion – there's no real malware on Android and all those reports we've been seeing in the last months/years are all a scam. That's the position of Google's open-source software guru Chris DiBona, and what he meant is not that there are no threats whatsoever, but that the sandboxing model on mobile platforms prevents viruses from being as dangerous as traditional Windows malware. Moreover, companies making the so called anti-virus solutions for Android have been exploiting you, the user:
"Virus companies are playing on your fears to try to sell you BS protection software for Android, RIM, and, iOS," DiBona posted on Google+. "They are charlatans and scammers. If you work for a company selling virus protection for Android, RIM or iOS, you should be ashamed of yourself."
Now, DiBona saved the names of companies for himself, but we can name a few: Symantec with its Norton Mobile Security, McAfee with the Mobile Security apps, F-Secure and Kaspersky.
"No major cell phone has a 'virus' problem in the traditional sense that Windows and some Mac machines have seen," DiBona added. "There have been some little things, but they haven't gotten very far due to the user sandboxing models and the nature of the underlying kernels."
What exactly is sandboxing and why does it make mobile phones more secure than computers? It's all about the access that's granted and in the case of mobile phones it's limited to only certain areas of the memory, so it's very hard to break that wall.
Android and the Market in particular has been infested with viruses hidden in apps, but Google has usually swiftly removed them. It's precaution that usually works best – downloading adult content or apps from unchecked sources is where most of the threats seem to stem from. So generally, it seems that users shouldn't be worried that much about smartphone viruses, but what's your opinion on the matter? Do you think malware is really an issue in Android?[/Quote]
Re: Вирусите и злонамерените приложения за Android с ръст 472% от юли
На печелившите честито.:D